Hi! I’m Josh

My story on how I started my health and fitness journey is a story one probably doesn’t hear very often. Growing up in a small town, extracurricular activities were limited, partying was a common occurrence, and living a healthy lifestyle was not something I was concerned about.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved growing up in a small town, but I was going down the wrong path and constantly getting in trouble. When I was a teenager, not only did I need to find something that would keep me from staying out of trouble, I realized I needed to prioritize my health and well-being.


Trainer & Fitness Services


Unlock your full potential with tailored one-on-one sessions designed to meet your
specific fitness goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or enhance
your overall health, I am here to guide you every step of the way. With personalized
workout plans and continuous support, I will make sure your path to fitness is both
effective and enjoyable. Experience the difference of dedicate attention and start
seeing real results.


Ready to elevate your fitness? Contact me today to schedule your free consultation.



Get Yours Friends Together and Kickstart Your Fitness Journey with our Bootcamp

Energize your workout routines with my high-energy bootcamp sessions, designed for
all fitness levels. Each session is a mix of strength training, cardio drills, and core
conditioning, ensuring you get a full body workout while burning calories and building
muscle. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or just starting out, you and your friends
will leave feeling stronger and better than ever.


 Ready to join me and your friends under the open sky and push your limits? Contact
me to today to discuss further.


Sports and Agility Training

Elevate Your Game with Sports and Agility Training
Tailored to fit every age and skill level, my training sessions focus on enhancing speed,
flexibility, and coordination. Have specific areas you would like me to focus on? No
problem! I am dedicated to helping you improve your game in a supportive and
dynamic environment.


Ready to unleash your athletic potential? Contact me today to get started.


What Our Client Say About Us

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